Exploring new boundaries of Project Management



As architects, the role we play in each project goes far beyond design. Our goal is to realise high quality, safe, well-constructed buildings, from concept through to completion, delivered on time and within budget. To achieve this, we draw on our detailed understanding of all aspects of project management.

With ever-increasing community expectations and often complex and convoluted approval regimes, effective project management plays a fundamental role in ensuring quality outcomes for both our clients and the end users.

Project management has in fact always featured in the traditional role of an architect. Historically, architects have been responsible for coordinating all parties involved in a project and assembling the right mix of consultants to ensure success.

While some architects have been content to relinquish responsibility following the completion of the initial design, at JMc Architects, we offer a flexible approach that embraces the traditional role of the architect. Our knowledge of both the design AND the construction process allows us to pre-empt potential issues and essentially ‘design out’ possible problems.

We are often involved in many different phases of the project, from site selection and evaluation, to project programming, all the way through to project close-out. This agility enables us to provide a complete end-to-end service that delivers projects of the highest possible standard. The fundamental benefit for the client is significant savings in time and cost.

Case in point: TAFE Campus, Thursday Island

The value of our project management expertise was evident in a recent modernisation project at TAFE Campus, Thursday Island. Through collaboration and evaluation of the existing conditions, JMc Architects was able to provide a repurposing solution that the client had not previously considered.

It was decided that the existing shelter should be relocated to a block that was earmarked for demolition. The new position created incidental shade, which mitigated the cost of construction for a new structure. This provided an efficient, sustainable solution and a cost saving to the client, while providing a design solution that was in keeping with the existing architecture without compromising the client’s objectives.

We believe the best outcomes are realised when construction companies are brought into the design process early, as working closely with contractors provides an integrated construction approach and finely crafted outcome.

Importantly, our commitment to effective communications strategies ensures our clients are kept abreast of all relevant details in relation to design, progress, forecasting and time saving measures. We develop an agreed communication strategy from day one with each client. This is formalised with a written communication plan, which is agreed upon with the client to ensure clear expectations.

Our team’s exceptional construction knowledge and understanding of technology allows us to look for efficiencies in workflow without sacrificing quality. Each member of our team brings a minimum of six years of tertiary education, which includes training in all aspects of building design, including project management. Each of us has a broad skillset that encompasses all facets involved in creating a successful building.

Our capabilities allow us to deliver on our core values and our promise to each client. To find out more about our practice, our people and our core values, click here.

JMc Architects is an award-winning architectural firm known for collaborating with luxury high-end residential private clients, government departments, large institutions and construction companies to create innovative and sustainable building designs that enhance quality of life and contribute positively to communities.